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Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Coverage

Just one of the benefits of belonging.

AFT and FOSCEP Local 2382 together provide $5,000 insurance coverage in the case of your accidental death or dismemberment in an accident.  All AFT members – active and retired – are covered.   And for active members, the coverage doubles if the accident occurs on the job.   There is no cost to members for this coverage.

Reach out to your union rep for more information.  You can also visit the AFT website to download a summary of benefits, in English or Spanish, to keep with your personal papers and print a beneficiary card you can return to the local union. If you prefer, you can also complete an online beneficiary form.  Make sure you have your member ID handy.  

While on the AFT site take a look at other AFT member benefits available to you.

In unity


I am a new local leader. I don’t know if our local carries this local-paid AD&D coverage. How do I find out?

Call AFT Member Benefits at 800-238-1133, ext. 8643.

Are members from the merged (AFT and NEA) affiliates (states of New York, Florida, Minnesota, Montana and North Dakota; plus individual merged affiliates) covered by the AFT-paid (no cost to members) $5,000 AD&D benefit?

Yes. All working and retired members in good standing are covered by the $5,000 AD&D benefit. Agency fee payers/fair share payers are not eligible for this coverage.

One of our members recently died in a car accident. Can her family benefit from this coverage?

Probably. Contact AFT Member Benefits at 800-238-1133, ext. 8643 to initiate a claim. You will be asked for the deceased member’s beneficiary form as well as a letter on local stationary verifying the deceased was a member in good standing at the time of her or his death. An AFT member benefits staff person will help you and the member’s beneficiary gather the necessary documentation to make a claim determination.

What if we don’t have a beneficiary card for the member?

The member’s estate or family will still receive the benefit, but the family will have to complete an additional form and the claim will take longer to process

Q: Our local union carries $12,500 of AD&D coverage for our members. A member was recently killed in an auto accident. Will the beneficiaries receive $12,500? How does the AFT $5,000 AD&D coverage coordinate with that?

A: The $5,000 from the AFT is in addition to the $12,500 coverage carried by the local union. Assuming a valid claim, the member’s beneficiaries will receive $17,500. Note, the local-paid coverage is not extended to retired members.

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